Friday, October 30, 2009

Dove Evolution

In this ad dove shows a model posing for a makeup billboard. Not only does the already beautiful girl go through hours of makeup and hair manipulation but after the pictures are taken they are distorted to make her look absolutely symmetrical and perfect. Dove's last word is, "no wonder our perception of beauty is distorted. (click is you want to watch the commercial).

Dove has a good point when high lighting the wrongdoings of many make up ad campaigns, but what does this have anything to do with them? Dove's focus is fairly simple: soap, shampoo, lotion, and makeup remover. Why are they attacking a make up brand if they don't even produce make up? This is my main concern with the campaign, they are focusing on hurting another company without making this commercial an asset to their own business. In no way does this commercial or campaign tell you or show you how to solve the problem through buying Dove products.

Using Caple's principles (get attention, hold attention, create desire, make it believable, make it a bargain, make it easy to buy, and give a reason to buy it now) we can clearly see that they only focused on the first two steps and making it believable. There is no support of their own brand in this ad except for the presence of their name on the title.

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